SBZC Leadership Transition Timeline
2014 to June 2024
This timeline provides an overview of leadership transitions at the Santa Barbara Zen Center from 2014 to early summer of 2024. It is intended to offer transparency and clarity around recent changes, particularly the transition of guiding teachers. We hope this information helps address any questions or misunderstandings within our sangha.
April 2014 through December 2019 Sensei Gary Koan Janka served as SBZC’s Head Teacher and Officiating Priest. During this time the Center became incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 2015. Elisa Atwill held the position of President of the Board of Directors.
January 2020 through March 2023 Kaizan Doug Jacobson served as a Guiding Teacher for SBZC. Doug was chosen by Koan as his successor and was approved by the Board of Directors. They signed a one year contract, and then extended their tenure for an additional 15 months.
October 2020 Pamela Nenzen Brown took over from Elisa as President of the Board. (That year Pamela was also ordained as a priest in Kobun Chino Ottogawa Roshi's lineage by Shoho Michael Newhall.)
October 2022 Pamela Nenzen Brown stepped down from the Board of Directors due to term limits and passed the role of President on to Monica Reede.
At this time Nenzen was also serving the sangha as a priest/member along with Joel Kyoshin Feigin. Both filled the role of Doshi and performed services when Doug was not in town but neither held an official role as Teacher as defined in the Bylaws.
(Pamela received dharma transmission from Jakko Eso Vanja Palmers at Felsentor, Switzerland following her Board term.)
December 2022 Doug communicated to Monica as Board President his intention to step down as Guiding Teacher. Because the new board had so recently formed and was still in the process of solidifying officer roles, Monica asked Doug to stay on for a few more months to provide continuity for the sangha.
March 26th, 2023 Doug gave his last Sunday Dharma talk thereby completing his final act as SBZC’s Guiding Teacher.
April 2023 After a discussion between the members of the Board and in consultation with several regular sangha members, it was decided that SBZC would continue to operate for the time being without a Guiding Teacher following Doug’s departure in order to allow time to survey the larger sangha about their priorities and how they wanted to proceed going forward. (A survey was distributed via the newsletter in December of 2023).
Also due to the fact that according to our bylaws the President of the Board of Directors cannot also hold either the office of Treasurer or Secretary at the same time, Monica stepped down as President of the Board and assumed the dual roles of Vice President and Treasurer. R. Waldorf, then Vice President, took on the role of President. (Other board members at this time were Emmy Bowser, Secretary; Susan Tova, SYV Liaison Member-at-Large; Tim Kennedy, Member-at-Large; Anton Borzov, Member-at-Large)
Due to this change up and the fact that Joel Kyoshin Feigin had recently left the sangha there was concern that the Board of Directors lacked long term institutional knowledge. Monica, in conversation with Pamela, discovered that the bylaws would allow an “Affiliate Leader” to remain a member of the Board without term limits.
At the April 2023 Board meeting the BoD unanimously voted to invite Pamela Nenzen Brown back to the Board as an Affiliate Leader to provide this institutional memory. This was not a “hired” or contracted position, just an acknowledgement that she was already serving in this capacity at the SBZC@SYV/LO location and a way to stay true to the rules set out in the bylaws.
May 19, 2023 Pamela agreed to rejoin the Board as an “Affiliate Leader” or “Adjunct teacher” per the bylaws (which do not contain the term Guiding Teacher).
October 2023 Pamela Nenzen Brown submitted her unsolicited resignation from the Board of Directors before the Annual Meeting. A new slate of members was elected and configured as follows for the 2023-2024 fiscal year: R. Waldorf as President; Anton Borzov as VP; Monica Reede as Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer; Michael Kinsella as Secretary; Susan Tova as SYV Liaison Member-at-Large; and Tim Kennedy as Member-at-Large.
October 22, 2023 Tim Kennedy tenders resignation; resignation accepted by Board President R. Waldorf 10/27/2023 after phone conversation.
January 2, 2024 The Valley Sangha new email address was created and shared with SBZC
February 2024 The Board of Directors agreed to offer Chobun Pamela Nenzen Brown a DRAFT contract for the official position of Guiding Teacher of SBZC.
March 19, 2024 A DRAFT contract was drawn up and submitted to Pamela as a starting point for discussion and negotiations.
March 27, 2024 After consideration, Pamela declined the offer to enter into a guiding teacher contract with SBZC and further discussion on the matter.
April 4, 2024 The Los Olivos satellite sangha held a special council and voted to separate organizationally from SBZC. They continue to meet as The Valley Sangha with Sensei Pamela Nenzen Brown as their Guiding Teacher.
June 2024 Councils were held to solicit feedback from the community on next steps for moving forward as a sangha.
The SBZC board remains committed to open communication with our sangha as we move forward together. We welcome your questions and feedback at any time. Please feel free to reach out to board members directly or email us.