You really DO make a difference.
How to Support Santa Barbara Zen Center
Santa Barbara Zen Center (SBZC) is a 501c(3) non-profit institution. Our Federal Tax Identification Number 47-3855803. SBZC depends upon contributions, from people like you. Every donation makes a difference to us.
In Buddhism, Dana (giving or generosity) is the first of the Paramitas or perfections. Generosity is a way we cultivate joy, reduce the sense of separateness between self and other, and actively support the third of the Three Pure Precepts, doing good for others.
We invite you to make a donation to our sangha by...
making a gift through PayPal by clicking here: Donate to SBZC
downloading our SBZC Giving Form and returning it by mail.
by arranging for AUTOMATIC MONTHLY DONATIONS from your bank account to the SBZC accounts. BILL PAY is easy to set up and to manage through your bank’s online banking. Just designate SANTA BARBARA ZEN CENTER, Post Office Box 1331, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1331 for a monthly payment of your choice. Your bank will mail a check to us.
Opportunities for Giving
Support of the ANNUAL FUND is essential in helping SBZC meet its ongoing operating expenses, including rent of our practice spaces, supplies, support for our teachers, and outreach activities.
Support of the DHARMA TRAINING FUND helps subsidize special programs, sesshin, retreats, and other intensive practice opportunities — offsetting fees and expenses that might preclude individuals from participating.
LEGACY GIVING: Friends and supporters who wish to structure a gift commitment to the SBZC through a provision in their estate plan can do so by inserting simple bequest language in their will or living trust. To learn more about how such a gift can have a lasting, transformational impact or to receive sample bequest language, please contact
Thank you for all that you give.