We are still sitting.

Welcome to Santa Barbara Zen Center.

Check out our Events page to join us in our online zendo. All are welcome…and yes, that includes you.


Embracing all, the Santa Barbara Zen Center affirms the fundamental connection of all beings.  We warmly invite people of every race, ethnicity, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, and ability to join us in the practice of zazen.  Aspiring to do no harm, we recognize our liberation is interconnected with the liberation of all beings.  

May all beings realize their true nature.

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We are…

A Soto Zen Temple

honoring the lineages of Maezumi Roshi, Suzuki Roshi, Kobun Chino Roshi, Katigiri Roshi and Sasaki Roshi

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We are….

an open, friendly sangha


We are….

students of the Buddha’s teachings

We are….

all beginner’s here. Join us.

Upcoming events.