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Roger Jo Ei Stawasz — SBZC from a historical perspective

Jo Ei is a long time zen practitioner attending his first retreat at Zen Mountain Monastery in the mid 1990's. Since 2000 he has been involved with different manifestations of zen practice in Northampton, MA in association with the Village Zendo in NYC. Most recently he has been the Liturgy Master and treasurer for Northampton's Oxbow Zen sangha.

The talk will provide insights into the historical perspective of the Santa Barbara Zen Center.

Sunday Schedule:

10:00 — Service

10:20 — Zazen

10:50 — Kinhin

11:00 — Dharma Talk

In person at Santa Barbara Hospice or on Zoom:

February 23

Meido Barbara Anderson — Leave No Trace

March 9

49th Day Memorial Service for Sensei Gary Myogen Koan Janka